Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Mexico City Here I Come !

Estoy en Mexico!


On the plane to Mexico none of the flight attendants spoke Spanish, the seating got all mixed up so I sat in a random seat next to a teenage Latino. Halfway to Mexico I found out he spoke English! We had a long talk about the gospel, he had so many questions, so I gave him a pass along card.
When we landed in Mexico at 4.30 everything was crazy. I still hadn’t met up with any other missionaries and I had no clue where to go. My Latino friend Erik helped me get through immigration, and we waited outside the terminal doors to find my people. We waited FOREVER, and Erik refused to leave me until I found my group, even though he had a 4 hour bus ride home.

 He later left me and came back a little later with another young boy that was there to get me. I guess he had just been sitting on a bench waiting for me, but he had on street clothes so there was no way of knowing. After Erik left, me and the other boy waited for his dad’s brother in law to get us. But the boy didn’t have cell phone and his relative didn’t know to find us. 2 hours later his relative found us. The ride to the CCM was crazy!! People in Mexico are the WORST drivers. We almost died. And then we got pulled over by the police! But he just wanted to check his registration, and that was all. Got to the CCM at 9ish and all my roommates were already in bed. 

 My companion is Hna. McDougal and she is super cool. Her and one other roommate Hna. Nusink are coming to NYNYN too! Everything here is so wonderful. The food is good but sometime really really gross. It’s hit or miss. All our teachers are SO nice. None of us know Spanish very well but I know less than all of us. I really feel like I am falling behind. 

 The Latinos laugh at us A LOT. You can tell they think we are so odd. But they are all so nice! The side of the mountain was on fire right next to the houses so we all stood watching it for a long time! Then the Latinos walked by laughing. I guess that is something that happens all the time and they are just burning old trees.

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